Thanks Again for Being a Friend and Straightening Out My Life

Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment that uses no brackets or wires to move teeth, just clear, removable alignment trays. I chose this road to help straighten my teeth and correct an overbite. This is a look into my Invisalign experience!

My experience with Invisalign the first six weeks

I shared a lilliputian bit backside my reason for wanting Invisalign and why I opted for Invisalign over braces in this postal service. However, I never really got into the nitty gritty of information technology all.

Before I started my Invisalign treatment I had a lot of questions, then I'k hoping that this post volition help respond the same questions I had before I got started for those looking into it.

Currently I am six weeks into my handling, so here is a little play past play to how the procedure has gone.

Why I Chose Invisalign

My dentist had recommended tonight guard for me since I clamp and grind my teeth in my slumber. Obviously I accept done this for years and as a result, I started to feel pain and tension in my jaw.

Additionally I wanted to straighten a crooked bottom molar and cease a forepart, upper molar from poking out further, so I figured it would be wise to take intendance of those issues earlier purchasing a night baby-sit.

So I went to see an orthodontist that my dentist recommended. That was a bust. Not certain where to turn to next, I found a coupon in the mail service from $500 off Invisalign treatment at a local orthodontist and decided I might too become in for a consultation.

Is Invisalign Right for Me?

At the initial consultation, they took pictures of my teeth and also took ten-rays. They poked around in my rima oris and concluded I would be a proficient candidate for the treatment.

What makes someone a good candidate for Invisalign? I asked the same affair and was told these three factors can aid make up one's mind if Invisalign is right for you:

  1. Invisalign can assist correct crowded teeth, gapped teeth, overbite, underbite, and crossbite issues that are mild to moderate. More advance orthodontia is needed for more severe problems considering the jaw might demand to be shifted.
  2. Invisalign is perfect for older teenagers and adults. Children and young teenagers do not make good candidates for Invisalign because their teeth are yet growing.
  3. Commitment. You have to wear the trays as directed or they volition not accomplish your goal.

The orthodontist estimated it would take about 9 months to get the results I was after. I was told several times the importance of wearing the trays 22 hours a day, and had to hold that I would bide by that on several occasions. Information technology sounded adept to me, so next we discussed payment.

How much does Invisalign Toll?

I had checked my dental insurance before going in. I found out that insurance would cover about half the cost. From there, I had a $500 off coupon (which they said had brought them in and so many new patients) and finally, I got an additional 5% off for paying in full upfront.

It still wasn't inexpensive, every bit the total price to me out of pocket was still $2,100, but it was much less expensive than jaw surgery for fixing my bite and jaw tension.

At my follow up appointment the tech used a tiny photographic camera on a very expensive piece of equipment to accept detailed pictures of my teeth and seize with teeth. When she finished, information technology compiled them together into a virtual mold to send to Invisalign.

invisalign- before scan

They explained this would help decide how many attachments I needed, where they would exist placed and fabricated for a much more than accurate plan than an bodily mold.

Roughly iii weeks after, I got the call that my trays were in and I needed to come in to get my attachments to get started.

Getting the Invisalign Trays and Starting Treatment

When I arrived, I got to see the projected before (on the left) and after (on the right) pictures.

invisalign animation

The results looked practiced to me!

invisalign- side scan

Peace out gap and overbite!

invisalign- first six weeks

I was so excited by the after pictures and by the news that I didn't need any attachments on my front teeth.

They practical the attachments, which are small, smooth plastic "bumps" to specified teeth with a bonding agent. These stays on your teeth the unabridged length of your treatment and help move the teeth more efficiently past applying pressure on sure points of the teeth.

I accept four attachments on my lower left side, one on my lower right side, ii on my upper left side and 2 on my upper right. I've heard some people find them really abrasive, only they don't really bother me.

Once the attachments were put in place, I received my beginning fix of trays and my next two sets also, since you switch to the adjacent tray set every two weeks.

They made certain I was able to pop them in and out on my own, so sent me on my fashion.

Invisalign Mean solar day One

My initial reaction was extreme joy! I finally was on the path to ease my jaw pain, fix my bite and straighten that pesky tooth.

I was too thrilled that they really weren't very noticeable. In fact, if information technology weren't for my slight lisp and the attachment on my left lower molar, I'm non sure anyone would notice them. See, here I am with the trays in–

close up

(merely contempo picture I had– I'll show more of a close up adjacent time)

All the same, that evening, the pain ready in. Nether the notes I took, I merely have OWWWWWWWW written.

Information technology hurt. For about three days. Non only my teeth, just also the underside of my tongue was scratched up because I kept exploring the trays with it. On one hand, I was thrilled it was moving my teeth, only on the other, I wondered if I could deal with this every two weeks when I modify to the new ready of Invisalign trays.

Subsequently the third twenty-four hour period, the hurting subsided. Also on nearly the third day, I could tell my bite was already completely dissimilar. My overnight clenching pain was completely gone as well; I'1000 sure it was partially due to the fact the trays act as a mouth guard.

Invisalign Cons

For me the only cons of having Invisalign were through the initial adjust period.

  • hurting and achiness in my jaw
  • a slight lisp that took a bit to learn to correct
  • feeling like I was pulling my teeth out when I took the trays out
  • not eating or drinking whenever I wanted (have to accept the trays out for everything except plain water)

Invisalign Pros

  • Invisalign forced me to take fantabulous car of my teeth
  • my jaw tension was gone almost immediately and the two subsequent sets of trays (inverse every 2 weeks) didn't hurt at all
  • I was able to run across improvement in my bite and crooked molar quickly

Invisalign Half dozen Weeks In

Six weeks in, I am happy about where I am, but I can too meet how exciting it must be to be finished with the treatment. It'due south annoying having to pop the trays in and out all day long and brush before putting them dorsum in.

Nonetheless, I am not in any pain and am seeing results. I'yard going in today to see my orthodontist for the first time since I received my trays to ensure that my teeth are moving as predicted and receive my side by side iv sets of trays.

Whew, that was more detailed than I originally intended, but if anyone is curious virtually the process, I hope this helped!

If you've had Invisalign, what was your experience similar? Pros/cons?

Have you ever had to do any orthodontic piece of work equally an developed?

I'thou surprised by how many of my friends have had braces, Invisalign, teeth pulled, etc every bit adults!


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